1. LES ROUTES DE L'ESCLAVAGE | Jordi Savall - Alia Vox
The music in this programme represents the true living history of that long and painful past. Let us listen to the emotion and hope expressed in these songs.
Slavery remembered 1444 - 1888 Humanity is divided into two: masters and slaves. Aristotle (385-322 B. C), Politics Homo homini lupus est. Plautus (c. 195 B. C) Asinaria Man is a wolf to his fellow man. Thomas Hobbes (1651), De Cive Despite the fact that for more than four centuries, from 1444 (the year of the first mass slaving expedition, described in a text from the period) to 1888 (the year slavery was abolished in Brazil), over 25 million Africans were shipped by European countries to be bound in slavery, this period of history – one of the most painful and shameful in the history of mankind – is still largely unknown by the general public. The women, men and children who were brutally deported from their villages in Africa to the European colonies in the New World had only their culture of origin to accompany them on the journey: religious beliefs, traditional medicine, dietary customs, and music - songs and dances that they kept alive in their new destinations, known as habitations or plantations. We shall try to evoke those shameful moments in the history of humanity through a series of eloquent texts and accounts, accompanied by the emotion and vitality of the music to which the slaves sang and danced. And yet, how could they think of singing and dancing when they were reduced to the condition of slaves? The answer is simple: song and dance, rhythmically structured by music, were the only context in which they could feel free and express themselves - something that n...
2. Routes de l'Esclave: Une Vision Globale - My Mooc
18 jun 2024 · ... les continents, le documentaire montre comment les esclaves africain... Read ... Video details. Platform. YouTube is a popular online platform for video ...
Ce film présente la diversité des histoires et des patrimoines issus de la traite négrière et de l'esclav...
3. Les routes de l'esclavage : 1444-1888 - Internet Archive
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2 audio discs : 4 3/4 in.+ 1 videodisc (approximately 68 min. : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.) ;
4. Les Routes de l'Esclavage 1444-1888 - Savall - HRAudio.net
A homage to the memory of victims of the slave trade. This new multicultural project from Jordi Savall and his musicians on The Routes of Slavery (1444-1888) ...
High Resolution Audio
5. Routes of Enslaved Peoples - UNESCO
Slave Routes: A Global Vision. play_arrow. Video. Name. Slave Routes: A Global Vision ... Del olvido a la memoria, 1: africanos y afromestizos en la historia ...
"Breaking" the silence surrounding the history of slavery
6. Slavery Routes | 14 Centuries of Slave Trade Systems - john mcmurtry
5 sep 2018 · Watch the documentary series “Slavery routes” on TV. This ... https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/068406-001-A/les-routes-de-l-esclavage-1-4/ ...
Videos from: https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/specialseries/2018/08/slavery-routes-gold-world-180813075335977.html and description from same and http://slaveryroutes.com/episodes/ https://vimeo.com/180859182 https://vimeo.com/279825021 About Story This is the story of a world whose territories and own frontiers were built by the slave trade. A world where violence, subjugation and profit imposed their routes. The history of slavery did not begin in the cotton fields. It is a much older tragedy,
7. Jordi Savall - The Routes of Slavery 1444-1888 - OpusKlassiek
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See AlsoLearn365 | airSlate SignNowCD & DVD-recensie
8. Dutch involvement in the transatlantic slave trade and abolition
24 jun 2013 · The slave route in Benin = La route de l'esclave au Bénin ... - 1 dvd-video (100 min.). : kleur, gel. The invitation/ Kwakuvi Azasu ...
On 1 July 1863, slavery was abolished in the former Dutch colonies of Suriname and the Dutch Antilles. This ended a period of around 200 years of slavery in these colonies. To mark the 150th anniversary of Dutch abolition in 2013, various activities have been organized, including exhibitions in the National Library of the Netherlands, the History Museum of The Hague, and the
9. Les routes de l'esclavage - Tous les épisodes | ARTE Campus
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C’est l’histoire d’un monde où la traite d’esclaves a dessiné ses territoires et ses propres frontières. Un monde où la violence, la domination et le profit ont
10. Les Routes de l'Esclavage 1444-1888, een prachtuitgave van ...
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11. Collective and Individual Experiences of Slaves in Leghorn, Pisa an...
These specificities prove that slaves could live different forms of coercion and follow different routes ... Inscrire l'esclavage dans les humanités numériques ...
Este artigo apresenta um retrato de grupo de cativos e escravos, bem como a vida de alguns escravos do Grão-Ducado de Toscana, mais precisamente nas cadeias de Livorno e de Pisa, e na casa dos catecúmenos em Florença entre 1702 e 1826. Esta pesquisa baseia-se nos arquivos de Estado do governo de Livorno, e nos arquivos particulares da família Ginori de Florença e do Magistrato del Bigallo nos arquivos de Estado de Florença.O estudo desenvolve duas linhas de investigação que correspondem a duas escalas diferentes de análise. A primeira delineia um retrato de grupo constituído a partir de uma lista de pessoas escravizadas que viveram na cadeia de Livorno e seriam libertas em 1747. Este retrato revela uma vida uniforme e coletiva, fornecendo informações quantitativas, nomeadamente o tempo do seu cativeiro ou de sua escravização. A segunda linha de investigação explora as experiências e as trajetórias individuais de alguns escravos entre Livorno, Pisa e Florença e permite questionar uma interpretação resultando na homogeneização de suas condições de vida e de trabalho. A presença de escravos e cativos nas galeras ou nas prisões foi muito estudada, devido a abundância de documentos produzidos nestes lugares, nomeadamente listas de escravos que permitem construir um retrato de grupo. No entanto, a realização deste tipo de retrato também exige levar em conta as trajetórias e diferenças individuais, o que permite fontes como os requerimentos de escravos provenientes destes lugares de...
12. La Capella Reial De Catalunya | Les Routes De L'esclavage 1444-1888 ...
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CD La Capella Reial De Catalunya - Les Routes De L'esclavage 1444-1888 Routes of Slavery | 2 CD | 9788494631108 | Release-datum: 06-01-2017 | Label: Alia Vox. Te bestellen bij Sounds BV. Snelle en betrouwbare service, betaling via iDeal, Paypal of bankoverschrijving.
13. Slave Voyages
Drawing on extensive archival records, this digital memorial allows analysis of the ships, traders, and captives in the Atlantic slave trade.
Drawing on extensive archival records, this digital memorial allows analysis of the ships, traders, and captives in the Atlantic slave trade. The three databases below provide details of 36,000 trans-Atlantic slave voyages, 10,000 intra-American ventures, names and personal information. You can read the introductory maps for a high-level guided explanation, view the timeline and chronology of the traffic, or watch the slave ship and slave trade animations to see the dispersal in action.
14. [PDF] Migrating Identities in Contemporary Francophone Literature and Music
... routes, c'est aussi gagner à la douceur humaine les cœurs ... statistiques ethniques, le vote obligatoire, les réparations liées à l'esclavage, etc.