The Elephant Princess (2025)

Episode 1

Coming of Age

Thu, Nov 13, 2008 26 mins

Alexandra dreams of a singing career, in a pop band with friends Marcus, JB Deekes and Amanda Tucci. At her birthday party they get a complete surprise visit. The mysterious Indian Kuru, riding the often invisible elephant Anala, tells them she's in fact the magical princess-heir of Manjipour. She's expected 'home' to mount the throne in that Indian state she never even heard of. Only its royal house can perform magic.

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Episode 2

Don't Call Me Princess

26 mins

After Kuru's visit, Alexandra's family is unusually accommodating. Kuru reports in Manjipoor that the princess isn't ready for the throne, but the guru is confident she'll grow into it and gives him the magical royal runes. Finding out she's adopted as Kuru said, she goes crazy, wants to run away and tears up a family picture. This magically alters her whole reality, as Vashan senses all the way to Manjipoor, where he hopes she'll never claim the magical throne. She now turns to Kuru and the runes as her only hope to restore normality. After it works, her parents invite the perfect gentleman she passes off as an exchange student to stay with them.

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Episode 3

Rabbit Season

26 mins

Alexandra orders Kuru to lie for her, which he reluctantly does after consulting Omar in Manshipoor, while Vashan would stick to the rule royalty must be truthful. She attempts first to pass off Kuru for an exchange student, while he openly treated her as princess, then after the magical elephant's appearance to make him tell the magical truth. These dumb instructions make JB and Amanda loose all trust in her. Now she breaks the rule magic may not be (ab)used lightly to convince them of her magical power by pulling rabbits from a hat, if she can pull that off at all.

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Episode 4

Kuru the Guru

26 mins

Compliant with rules as always, Kuru volunteers for Australia's compulsory education in Alex's class, but his tireless zeal and open veneration for his princess seem to doom him to unpopularity and bully-abuse. Alex decides to 'solve it' by improvising a popularity spell, which works far too well for her taste, so she reverses it, suddenly robbing Kuru of his fencing hero status in mid-tournament.

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Episode 5

The Powerful Ballad

26 mins

Amanda abuses magic for her guitar playing and forces Kuru to accept a rune, forbidden magic transfer. Kuru reports on her progress to Omar, who orders him to change and address the council. Vashan overhears that, locks Kuru up and abuses his 'unwillingness to appear' to doubt him, the magic and even the princess's existence. But the rune allows Kuru to levitate and drift to the council. As if Alex's family, notably kid sister's 'ballet demonstration' for visitor Marcus, weren't embarrassing enough, she suddenly starts levitating uncontrollably, a side effect of Kuru using the rune.

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Episode 6

Not Made in Japan

26 mins

Alex still puts her teenager life above royal duty. Yet Manjipoor cheerfully awaits her return. Vashan and his servant Diva only pretend approval. Kuru visits Omar, who reassures him time should help. Before he returns, Vashan manages to put a magic reversal spell on Kuru's hands, so as to infect Alex, who now gets unexpected results. JB shares in the confused experience as 'exchange philosophy student' Asuza is conjured up by transforming Zoe's doll. Worse, Alex's power is transferred to her. Asuza believes to be the creator who must eliminate Alex. Kuru figures it out but has a hard time thinking up a remedy and is tied-up, with the band members. Vashan experiences everything in a vision.

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Episode 7

Lean on Me

26 mins

After Kuru reports Alex still doesn't concentrate on her magic training, Omar invites her. The elders decide to hold a banquet, Vashan prepares a snake venom-drink. Alex misses the appointment because she prefers to play with her band in a talent competition they only make trough her magic abuse. Kuru is sacked for her failure, but the elephant 'teleports' her, so she can convince Omar how well Kuru taught her already.

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Episode 8

Welcome to the Fairy Tale

26 mins

Amanda convinces Alex to visit Manjopoor, and shop at the oriental market. Anala drags along suspicious JB too. They end up in the magic forest and are mistaken for circus people by humble locals. Trying to help their son Johan, who was transformed into a mouse by Vashan for poaching. It seems to go wrong, so his dad chases the with an ax. Vashan senses royal magic is near. Meanwhile Kuru wasn't informed but covers for them at school, even makes their history assignment.

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Episode 9

Warts & All

26 mins

Despite Kuru's warning that love and magic don't mix, Alex tricks him to tell her a spell to prove if Marcus, who asked her on a band date, loves her. It turns her into a frog, which can only be undone by a kiss from a true lover. Kuru, JB and Amanda now try to look after the frog until they can get her kissed by most unwilling Marcus, who seems to loose patience with his missing date. When all seems lost, Kuru's devotion proves decisive.

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Episode 10

The Butterfly Effect

26 mins

Vashan magically enables his trusted servant Diva to transform into butterfly, to ride inconspicuously on the elephant Anala to the 'old' world, and into a blond babe to spy on the princess there. After witnessing Alex's clumsy magic practice on Kuru, 'Juliet' enrolls at school. She gets gentleman Kuru to show her around an tutor her, so she can spy them at home. Just then Anala gets an allergic chocolate reaction to muffins, which makes her sick and 'blink' from in- to visible, hard to hide and cure even with mahout and magical skills.

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Episode 11

Butterfly Kiss

26 mins

Kuru reports diplomatically to Omar about Alex's slow progress and Devi to Vashan that she's still a magically clumsy brat living a commoner's life, the rival prince allows her to return as butterfly and seduce Kuru as Juliet, so he'll cease being her only good influence. After she even finds opportunity to steal the royal runes she returns to Manjipoor. The elephant Anala comes to still unsuspecting Kuru's aid after irresponsible Alex dares blame him out of girlish jealousy.

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Episode 12

Dancing Queen

26 mins

Kuru accidentally breaks JD's cymbal, but pays for it with a golden coin from Manjipoor worth the eightfold, which he spends on flashy clothes. The Wilsons see Kuru gets rewarded too. When Alex flippantly calls his allowance excessive, he dutifully begs the council to reduce it, which is nearly considered treason for questioning one of its decisions. The Wilson parents put domestic life at hold for spoiled brat Zoe's ballet practice, which she stinks at and lied to be the title lead Alice in Wonderland, so she fakes sickness and runs away.

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Episode 13

Destiny's Child

26 mins

A remark at mother's day from her sanctimonious sister Zoe that Alex is adopted makes her wonder about her magical biological mother, queen Nefari. After Kuru says Omar knew her best, she travels to Manjipoor alone to question him. Vashan spies on them and magically set a trap, entering the queen's magical posthumous vision.

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Episode 14

Time After Time

26 mins

Kuru warns Alex the powerful royal rune to shift time back in order to change things has only been used twelve times for extreme emergencies. Reasoning one wouldn't know if the royal user doesn't tell, the scamp keeps abusing it for petty accidents all day when Marcus finally asks her on a real date. Meanwhile Vashan tries to win Anala's friendship with strawberries, in vain. Kuru reports to Omar he suspects she has abused it, but it's only confirmed when an irreversible consequence arises.

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Episode 15

Happy Birthday Anala

26 mins

Kuru tells Alex that Anala's birthday is a grand state affair in Manjipoor, where the elephant chooses one subject to be granted a wish. She offers to his and Omar's delight to preside over the palace party. Told it's invitation only, she magically fakes invitations for her friends and even a few Manjipoor commoner market acquaintances. Kuru must leave his duties tending to Anala when Alex orders Diva to fetch him to the party. Thus someone can steal a magical stone from Abala's headdress, needed to travel between the worlds. Even Omar wants the loyal attendant be punished severely conform the 'crime'. Anala proves wiser.

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Episode 16

The Big Gig

26 mins

Marcus got the band a gig in his uncle Harry's café, where Zom Records executives have lunch, but the stage is too small, so they must perform a duet by Marcus and Alex, who abuses some minor magic. Omar informs the elders one of Anala's magical headdress jewel was stolen. The guards can't find it for Vashan, but thief Diva shows it to him; Even he ignores how to activate it. But when Kuru travels on Anala the gem travels parallel. Zomp is interested, but only in the duo, and Alex refuses to dump her friends.

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Episode 17

Masquerade Ball

26 mins

The band bunch prepares for the school's masked dance, an concept unknown to Kuru. JB was turned down by 48 girls, so he's desperate to ask Kosma on the Manjipoor market and tricks Alex to take him there, supposedly looking for her perfect dress, behind Kuru's back. Anala is instructed to return his Cinderella by midnight. Vashan observed their arrival and uses the magical gem to secretly follow. He uses the mask feature to intrude and turns her date Marcus into a werewolf.

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Episode 18

Almost Too Famous

26 mins

Kuru reports to Omar and the council of elders about Vashan's hostile intrusion in the other world, but they can't counter a royal. Meanwhile Vashan has used the magical gem again, and using a box and carpet can prevent being sent back. Having overheard Alex's girlish dream is to become a rock-star, he makes it come true so she'll forget all about Manshipoor. It works, she even gets cut up from family and friends, depending on manager Vashan Vashan. Kuru tries till he gets past their body-guards, to prove her she has magic and hopefully rekindle her memory.

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Episode 19

Princess Amanda

26 mins

Marcus and Alex want to exchange one month together-gifts. Alex just asks Kuru's wise advice, but Marcus left the choice to Amanda. Kuru generously gives her one the royal Manjipoor coins she admires. Amanda tricks sweet-tooth Anala into transporting her to Manjipoor to buy a diamond necklace. The loyal people mistake her for the dish-guised princess. When that's disproved, Vashan threatens her with punishment for high treason unless she teaches him how to command Anala. Kuru and Alex need crafty magic to save the day.

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Episode 20

Courtroom Jewel

26 mins

Vashan nearly scares Alex into submission using an illusion. Diva discovers Kuru's report has made Omar call a secret royal council against him, and tells Vashan. He intrudes it to accuse Omar of stealing the magic jewel, which is found is Omar's desk, to which nobody else has access. Kuru brings Alex to an unprecedented trial, but they lack evidence against Vashan. JB has just edited the band's latest recordings, and discovers a crucial scene. Meanwhile boyfriend Marcus feels intolerably excluded as nobody tells him what is important and yet withheld from her.

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Episode 21

Sea Change

26 mins

Smash is looking forward to 4 paid hours in a recording studio. Anala, who has been a jumbo-size pain for a while, takes Alex's guitar and transports her, first with and then without Kuru, to places she believed to exist only in a childhood dream. There she learns the elephant always protected her. That made her miss the recording session. Still ignorant Marcus, who nearly beat jealously up 'rival' Kuru, considers himself implicitly dumped and resigns from the band he only joined for her sake.

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Episode 22


26 mins

Alex is too sad about Marcus having dumped her and effectively split up the band Smash to do her school - or domestic work. Even ever-respectful Kuru can't deny she lacks commitment, especially as the princess. She now declares herself ready to accept the throne. Vashan insists on Manjipoor's tradition she must first be thought the strict, elaborate court protocol by an (the only other) royal: him and his servant Diva. They make clear the unpleasant sides for her and commoners, even Kuru may never see her again. Then they discover she was conceived after the king's murder. Omar admits to be her father, but she flees back to the Wilsons.

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Episode 23

It's an Ordinary Life

26 mins

Having learned Omar is her dad, Alex has ran back to the Wilsons. Kuru comes pack, take his leave from the Wilsons and offer generous gifts. They include a model and wood for a Manjipoorean gazebo, which dad Jim is unable to construct, but he gets JB to help and talks him into making up with Alex. Kuru takes Alex back to sign papers relinquishing control Anala, the right to servants and the throne to a triumphant Vashan. Then Kuru scolds her selfish, cowardly haste and leaves her the royal runes. Diva laughs at him being reduced to shuffling elephant manure, and secretly practices magic.

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Episode 24

Unexpected Arrivals

26 mins

Just when Vashan prepares for his coronation, he discovers Diva has magical powers, but too late: she throws him in the dungeon. When Omar and while he flees Kuru find out, she tries to kill them, but Anala saves them by transportation to the Wilson home. Alex uses magic to cure Omar's wound. Kuru gives her the letter Omar entrusted him, which is from her magical royal mother. Omar confirms he secretly married Nefari out of true love. Learning from the council only Omar knows where the crown is hidden, Diva tricks Vashan to get command over Anala using magical chains. He accepts to return only is Alex is spared. After Diva makes Anala bring him and her back, Alex is stranded with Kuru but determined to end the evil usurper's misrule.

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Episode 25

Good Vibrations

26 mins

Assumming their and Manjipoor's world are literally on different frequencies, JB tries super-amplifiers. Kuru and weakened Alex indeed return to the kingdom, where the people is in doubt who to obey. Alas after they shred the abdication papers Diva puts up a devious fight, even tricking Omar in betraying the crown's whereabout and stealing Alex's magic.

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Episode 26

Normal Alex Wilson

26 mins

At home, JB and Amanda try to convince the Wilson parents missing Alex will be back. With help from the people, brave Kuru cunningly frees Alex, Omar and Vashan, who shows them a rune to restore one's powers, but it can only be used with magic. The men are quickly captured again by Diva, who finds the crown and orders everyone to attend her coronation, where she haughtily violates ancient protocol. Alex and Kuru put up a daring fight during the ceremony, knowing the crown can only be conferred by the elephant Anala, who sides against the usurper.

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The Elephant Princess (2025)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.